I get too vehement but I like a certain volume ofwacky sound. That is why these days I am reading quite a lot of Rene Char, whom I had not read before. Today, Labor Day, when I get this letter finished, I' ll take off into the woods (I live in the woods anyway) with a book of Rene Char selections and maybe some I4th-cent. German mystic stuff. Char has the wacky oblique eloquence all right. I have two books of selections, same publisher, ten years or so apart: first one has picture of him looking like a champion bicycle racer, the other a picture that ought to have a number under it. The people that write about him try to do so in a hesitant imita- tion of his style, and when they happen to be a bit square the result is very funny. Mustdrivehimoutofhishead. IwouldtranslatesomebutIunderstandthatthere are herds ofpeople doing this now and the rights situation is complicated??2
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