Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Jackson Mac Low

lightchartweb (1) 

portion of the "Light Chart"

Kandinsky Nature Nacreous Zeke

{ Forties 8 }

Kandinsky nature nacreous f�untain - pachyderm
totalizing web-footed cloisonn�       frets
glassy-eyed threats       promulgating tapster
renunciatory petulant gropes       cleats       tansy fortifying
f�rtune - whimsy bl�ster - sieve

Dreadlocks       watchpocket Cheez-Whiz masculinize
gross - S�tebos       debt-node f�ntasy - grain       p�sque
gramophone notable chr�me - plaster l�gicide - creep
fantabul�tion-corner       normalize ease mix lapwing
          groat       forg�t-it ecl�pse - module
n�ttle-berry r�g - proctologist

Vincent eviscerate exit poll       monarchic lambkill
siege       vortex academic Rome       dolorous z�p-toad
Venus's flytrap       check-it-�ut acc�untant-tab             Smoot
futurology vertical methadone nautical glib-annex�tion
      envisage       whirl       d�amond cull
lotus position       tucked-away tw�nge

Neglected playmobile azure executive n�rture - grid
vomitorium Local Group       Panasonic planetary fish
Dixie flagomorph island exactitude S�ugatuck - wheeze
succotash Asner demonstrable Lorca columnar
      p�rcupine - dance       disc�graphy - rinse       f�culty - torrent
liberty velvet encyclical gl�nt-nix

Greeting-paper multiply disc�very - grill       maniple
formic moxie ASCII varlet tarnish Is�crat�s* cl�ff-dweller
mortuary cream-bun lemur rectitude tw�st-evacuation
ancillary pet�te ensconce       Grosseteste           gl�om-basket
      t�tle-page       green-thumb passenger-pigeon escal�tion-magnet
grappa forbidden       dilapidated m�sonry - clasp

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