Thursday, February 3, 2022

August Kleinzahler


After Catullus 

Heyho, loverboy 
is that a radioactive isotope you've got 
burning through your shirtfront 
or are you just glad to see me? 

                              Chump - 
you couldn't bear it at her age 
much less now. 
Had you supposed the years made you pliant? 
Look at yourself, 

flesh hanging off you 
same as the old fucks you take steam with 
at the gym. 
Better lay off the piss, buddyboy. 

Think she doesn't notice? 
She sees plenty. 
Ask her girlfriends. Ask the hard-bellied punks 
she has it off with in the dark. 

Why don't you stop licking your nuts in the corner 
like an injured tom. 

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