Friday, January 28, 2022

Andrew Zawacki

Portrait of Andrew Zawacki 

Dixie Pixie Sonnet

Solar panel, a Fresnel lens,
5 lb bag of M&Ms; & we could 3-D print a clone of you

Pell mell all hell & ill will will break loose
If you don’t wear your cheap synthetic, frilly fuchsia princess dress,
Faux glass high heel sequin slippers clacking on the tile

In your lifetime, the Arctic will have been

You’re a frog no you’re a frog

To conjugate in a future imperfect : will have been ongoing, once

Daughter you’re borderline pixilated, perhaps from the Swedish dialect pyske — 
“fairy,” ca. 1630 — or Cornwall Celtic for “pixie-led” : confused, bewildered,
unbalanced, astray ; or an actress as stop-motion marionette, in animated films,
altering her posture — like a flick book — frame by frame

Sound speed :
They are drilling it out of the ground to blacken the sun

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