Friday, December 3, 2021

Carl Rakosi

Selected Poems, was published in December 1941 as a poet of the month selection.

Carl Rakosi's Selected Poems 

In what sense 
I am I 
a minor observer 
as in a dream 
absorbed in the interior, 

a beardless youth 
remote yet present 
at the action 
reminding me faintly 
of Prufrock. . . . 
a diminutive figure 
barely discernible 
seemingly ageless 
escapes me. 

The original impulse 
to sing 
into one exultant note 
breaks out 
of the chest-space, 
vibrating along 
the shoulders 
in the presence 
of full-bodied 
the eyes dark 
in the inner scene, 
the hair long 
and black, 
our dark lady, 
inmate of courtship. 

She does not speak. 
She is nameless. 
The reason for her 
presence there 
is unknown. 

A shepherd, 
vaguely associated, 
at a distance 
a birch tree, 
playing a flute. 
streams across. . . . 
from the balance 
and the position 
of each, 
it issues. 

Neither moves. 
The scene 
is not matter 
that can pall 
or diminish. 
Its secret holds 
as fast as I. 

As in Giorgione 
the suspense 
is eternal.

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