Saturday, November 27, 2021

Michael Wasson







T H E S E   S W A L L O W E D   P R A Y E R S   A S   C R E A T I O N   M Y T H

– wáaqo’ ’óykalana titóoqana hinéesmux̣sin ’ilcwéew’cixnim. 

& yet for ages we’ve been holding on
to this silence     as any child born I learn to move
these forsaken hands along the damp walls of this god-

less body     as if I too am your animal     the only torch
this monstrous heartbeat rippling everywhere & no-
where     I reach towards a blurred opening to the other

room     meaning a life-sized rupture left vibrating
like decades around a skeleton     listen—the xím xím
xím of the animals twists into your body     was made

to always hold you in place     & this you has come so far
so why not disappear     just this once     the ink
drowning the eyes     the bloodstream carrying the body

on & into the white noise of translation     & soon
this you tears open the brief sáw between its own ribcage
under a newer light     a fresh fracture like softened ear

bones ringing after another heavy rain of holy
gunfire     have I gone too far?     I pray for I might enter back
to when we were all once singing láw láw láw     before

the jaws of ’ilcwéew’cix devoured us      as though a city
now vanished     we who built its bright-white cathedrals
of bone     & hear the dark—unlike any other     whispers

of our faceless gods buried into the flesh     every exit
a fire escape     the flexed diaphragm a pupil’s black-
lit aperture capturing the muzzled breath of our beloved

dead     & yet through the dead—here, your body inside
the body—is the only way out     isn’t it?     you desperate
desperate animals     run until you enter the earth     alive

you are     trust me.


Y O U R   S T I L L – L I F E   I S   N O   L O N G E R   S T I L L

Your hands bright red as the skin / of the red delicious

we shredded / to taste what’s closest / to the core / this

isn’t the blood / of our newest ghosts / the snow

touching the skin / of only the living / will become

beads / of breakable sky / shiver, my dear— / for we are

soon to be so / gone / this same land is smearing / into

America / my hair smelling / of river water—is this

an omen? a telling? a foreshadow? now tell me / we’ll make it

to the end / of our unanswerable lives / tell me how / the cities

will make our bodies / beautiful enough to forever / be locked






T H E S E   S W A L L O W E D   P R A Y E R S   A S   C R E A T I O N   M Y T H

– wáaqo’ ’óykalana titóoqana hinéesmux̣sin ’ilcwéew’cixnim. 

& yet for ages we’ve been holding on
to this silence     as any child born I learn to move
these forsaken hands along the damp walls of this god-

less body     as if I too am your animal     the only torch
this monstrous heartbeat rippling everywhere & no-
where     I reach towards a blurred opening to the other

room     meaning a life-sized rupture left vibrating
like decades around a skeleton     listen—the xím xím
xím of the animals twists into your body     was made

to always hold you in place     & this you has come so far
so why not disappear     just this once     the ink
drowning the eyes     the bloodstream carrying the body

on & into the white noise of translation     & soon
this you tears open the brief sáw between its own ribcage
under a newer light     a fresh fracture like softened ear

bones ringing after another heavy rain of holy
gunfire     have I gone too far?     I pray for I might enter back
to when we were all once singing láw láw láw     before

the jaws of ’ilcwéew’cix devoured us      as though a city
now vanished     we who built its bright-white cathedrals
of bone     & hear the dark—unlike any other     whispers

of our faceless gods buried into the flesh     every exit
a fire escape     the flexed diaphragm a pupil’s black-
lit aperture capturing the muzzled breath of our beloved

dead     & yet through the dead—here, your body inside
the body—is the only way out     isn’t it?     you desperate
desperate animals     run until you enter the earth     alive

you are     trust me.


Y O U R   S T I L L – L I F E   I S   N O   L O N G E R   S T I L L

Your hands bright red as the skin / of the red delicious

we shredded / to taste what’s closest / to the core / this

isn’t the blood / of our newest ghosts / the snow

touching the skin / of only the living / will become

beads / of breakable sky / shiver, my dear— / for we are

soon to be so / gone / this same land is smearing / into

America / my hair smelling / of river water—is this

an omen? a telling? a foreshadow? now tell me / we’ll make it

to the end / of our unanswerable lives / tell me how / the cities

will make our bodies / beautiful enough to forever / be locked

behind a glass cage / with our broken names / show my tongue

the only way / to dance until the whorl / of dark silk below

your belly- / button is as slick as the pink / of our animal

tongues / give me / the directions to a place / bursting with

mosquitoes—full of / welts & terrors you’ll always know / we’ll know

the coming / of someone’s jesus let’s call hunger / dear,

it’s the end / of winter so / sleep next to me until / the black

under our eyelids / is no longer the thinnest slip of skin

but the mid- / night of a country growing / before us

tell me this / will never ruin us / god, tell me / please.

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